ENC Solutions

Credibility & Trust issues around your IT Department? Expectations vs. Reality

Written by Gurmeet Judge | Apr 8, 2019 1:36:44 PM

“People don’t just use technology today—they have a relationship with it”.. Carrie Duarte at PwC

Technology is now such a central part of the overall work experience that you can’t separate it from the people and workplace agenda. Technology brings businesses closer to their clients and customers. Your employees interact with technology most of their time at work. Have you ever gathered feedback from your employees (non-IT Staff) to see what do they think of your IT Department (Technology Services)?

  • Do employees find your workplace technology to be reliable?
  • Do they trust your IT Department (IT Services) and find services to be credible?
  • How would they grade your technology on scale of 1-10, 10 being the best and 1 at worst?

90% of C-suite executives agree their company pays attention to people’s needs when introducing new technology, but only about half (53%) of staff say the same.

Recent study by PwC shows, business leaders and their employees have different view of their technology or IT Services. can download details report here.

Employees report that they’re willing to spend up to two days per month on training to upgrade their digital skills, if offered by their employer. However, 46% say their company doesn’t value employees who are technologically savvy.

73% of people surveyed say they know of systems that would help them produce higher quality work.

So where is disconnect?

Credibility is hard to earn and easy to lose. Here’s TOP 4 items your IT Department needs to deliver in order to build trust and credibility with other staffs:

Customer Service: Nearly every company claims to provide great customer service, but not all customers have a great experience, so clearly there’s opportunity for improvement. Here’s three major steps to great customer:

  • Define and document what is great customer experience for your staff
  • Deliver on your organization's core values
  • Consistently exceed customer expectations
  • Measure your customer service again your benchmarks for great customer experience
  • Gather feedback – Implement process to gather feedback as ongoing process

Transparency & Roadmap: Provide a clear IT roadmap and strategy to staff and provide detailed information on IT Department's work plans. Your staff will be able to plan their workload around systems upgrades, maintenances and other interruption.

Training and Documentation: Any current systems or new upgrades, provide detailed documentation and training for your staff to understand and learn new systems.

Business Problem Solving and Managing Expectations: Your IT staff needs to work with other business groups, understand their business challenges and provide solutions. This will allow your staff to move your business forward and generate desire revenue.

Next steps? Issues around credibility, reliability and trust are not technical issues, these are IT Process issues. IT Process require discipline, commitment and hard work to deliver required results. Implement a mature IT Process and it will deliver results above and beyond your expectations.

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