ENC Solutions

Innovate to Elevate: Cultivating Team Growth and Company Culture for Business Success

Written by Gurmeet Judge | Oct 2, 2023 2:23:09 PM

Picture running a business sans leadership coaching: it's a giraffe on roller skates - delightful yet poised for pitfalls. Lift your game and sidestep the stumbles. Leadership coaching morphs those giraffe goofs into poised progress. Business isn't a circus, but ace it with apt coaching and you're the main act!

Recently, I had the honor of chatting with Iliana Rocha, the dynamic President of Clubnet Solution Inc. Sporting a robust repertoire of qualifications, from an MBA to PCC, PMP, and ICP-ACC, she's been the guiding compass for business leaders, streamlining management through enhanced systems, processes, and capabilities.



Our conversation spanned diverse terrains - from leadership nuances and remote work dynamics to team bonding and organizational ethos. True business acumen, as we're all aware, thrives on eclectic insights. Iliana, with her distinct vantage point, shed light on many intricate challenges 

Here’s some of the topics discussed in this video:

  • Impact of leadership training on business performance
  • Navigating thru difficult situations and building team culture
  • Decision making process and growth mindset.
  • Opportunities for business growth and leadership development
  • .... many more...

Thank you for your support and feedback on previous episodes on Podcast and YouTube channel.

Last Episode:  Mastering Leadership and Unleashing Your Potential with Steffan Surdek

Next Episode:  Impact of AI on business operations and growth: Manuj Aggarwal


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