ENC Solutions

Your IT staff should not be making these decisions

Written by Gurmeet Judge | Nov 5, 2019 12:43:52 PM

Most business executives are hesitant to get involve in technology related decisions because it could be overwhelming..read more  

And common sentiment is “What can I do? I don’t understand IT and IT people—although they work hard—don’t seem to understand the very real business problems I face.” 

Recent research show that companies that manage their IT investments most successfully generate returns that are as much as 40% higher than those of their competitors.

While several factors distinguish these top-performing companies, the most important is that most important is that senior managers take a leadership role in a handful of key IT decisions.

IT executives are the right people to make numerous decisions about IT management—the choice of technology standards, the design of the IT operations center, the technical expertise the organization will need, the standard methodology for implementing new systems. But an IT department should not be left to make, often by default, the choices that determine the impact of IT on a company’s business strategy.s that senior managers take a leadership role in a handful of key IT decisions...read more

Here's top 3 items most business leaders always considering:

How much should we spend on IT?

Business executives needs to understand IT cost in their business. IT Hard cost is small item compare to other business expenses however IT Soft cost is many times higher cost than any other cost. Investing too little on IT hard cost will increase business soft cost and investing too much will price you out of market. Since IT cost is directly tied with profit margins and revenue, business executives need to invest time to understand cost to stay competitive and focus on soft cost or impact of technology on business to control IT cost..read more

Which business processes should receive our IT dollars?

Finding a business process for best return on investment is always priority. However, business executives need to not only focus on quick wins but also long-term investment for much higher gains. A quick infrastructure upgrades will provide some short-term wins but building IT strategy, deploying IT process and training your staff on right skill sets will provide much higher return on investments...read more


Which IT capabilities need to be companywide?

Communication, connectivity, security and staff training are some of the critical items that applied company wide. Increasingly, executives are recognizing the significant cost savings and strategic benefits that come from IT capabilities and standardizing IT infrastructure across an organization. Any automation around communication among staff and/or with customer will improve organization wide capabilities...read more

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