VisuaLeadership: Where visuals & leadership meet | Todd Cherches

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Todd Cherches, the visionary CEO and Co-founder of BigBlueGumball, a forward-thinking consulting firm based in New York City with a focus on leadership development, public speaking, and executive coaching.

Todd is a distinguished figure in leadership, with accolades as a three-time award-winning Adjunct Professor at NYU and a respected Lecturer at Columbia University. He has also given a TEDx talk on "The Power of Visual Thinking" and authored the book "VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life".

His VisuaLeadership® methodology empowers clients to enhance their performance, productivity, and potential through strategic visual thinking and communication.


The phrase "what got you here...won’t get you there," aptly summarizes Todd Cherches' philosophy.

Our discussion delved deep into the concept of visual leadership, a compelling tool for refining communication. Todd's book is a treasure trove of this methodology, showcasing a plethora of visuals that not only clarify messages but often convey them in a profoundly different light with the aid of visual aids.


Last Episode:  Empowering Business Leaders: Success through well-being investment | Cloe Caron

Next Episode:  Building people focused organization to scale: Greg Reid


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